Lo que un internauta piensa de este humilde weblog, me dió una alegría enorme ver que alguien se pone a leer con cierta calma estas palabras lanzadas al viento. Puede que algunas de sus palabras tenga la intención de ofenderme, pero bueno... yo la llevo calmada, no hay pedo!. I guess you can't understand mexican slang, can you,
Banzai? I don't wanna teach anything, I'm not the Messiah, my weblog is nor junk literature nor light literature nor good literature... whatsoever! It's spontaneous speech,
c'est tout, meeerde!. Je n'ai rien contre toi, Banzai, ce que j'ai dit sur ton site... oublie-le et voilà!
tuesday, april 22
I am offended. My site has been referred to as "Junk Literature". While I make no claims that this site has anything to do with literature, or any other discipline, I am in fact pissed off that someone I don't know thinks that it's junk. In fact, it is my purpose to eschew disciplines in toto [that's poorly paraphrased Latin]. While a few rare posts have actually pleased the writer within me, I am for the most part, floundering about in a vast sea of electronic sewage for no reason other than that it's relatively easy for me to do so. I comment on the world, the media, and my life strictly for my own edification and not towards some greater purpose. I get a maximum of 20 visitors daily, and several of those are me, obsessing over some aesthetic detail that I don't like, but don't have the HTML knowledge to fix. Those kind of pathetic numbers aren't going to change a damn thing, anytime, anywhere.
My fellow blogger is an enigma to me. Mostly because in my infinite American-ness, I neglected to learn any languages aside from my own. I can't read Yori's site. Yori is either Mexican or somewhere in Europe, he/she writes in Spanish, Italian and French, but maybe it's entirely in Portugese, I wouldn't recognize Portugese phrases if they were repeatedly biting me on the ass. The name of the site is Sinaloa in Sarkozyland, which denotes a certain gringo pop culture awareness. I say that because of the Disney-esque "land" suffix, and the fact that Sinaloa is close to Shinola, as in "knowing shit from..." And since Yori is from a country other than the US, Sinaloa could mean something entirely outside of my experience and knowledge. Which would not be difficult. However, Yori is a blogger in his/her infancy, born Febuary of this year. But already getting more hits than me. The site appears to be anti-war. Actually, I just looked into it and it appears that Yori is a genuine anarcho-extremist. Who may intersperse articles about his/her cat between epithet-laden tirades against war, America and others. Yes, I'm pretty sure that I can roughly translate "¡Chinguen a su puta madre, perros!" I can dig it! While I am not a true activist, I do believe in anarchy as a legitimate politcal structure, not just a mis-used synonym for chaos. I am anti-globalization/anti-zaibatsu[corporatization]/anti-war, though I admit that my rhetoric has died down some recently, but Yori, we are comrades in the struggle!
Anyway, my gripe is not against Yori, or his/her observation. Yori did also say that "I love...blogs like yours!" No, my gripe is with you people out there that don't visit, allowing me the latitude to say "Shut up if you don't like it!" Actually I do have that ability. It's my site. I can do whatever the fuck I want. But I have the sneaking suspicion that whatever arguements or examples I provide, Yori isn't gonna suddenly consider me Tolstoy or Vonnegut. So what. Hey, Yori! Thanks for visiting. Come back soon, and bring your friends. AN-ARCH-Y, AN-ARCH-Y!